Heavenly Father,
you make for us a merry Christmas, as you have given us your Son, the Christ, to make us merry.
He is the Son of the Living God who sustained all life even while his own life was being nurtured.
The Creator of all things who directs the stars and the moon humbled himself to take his first breath.
The Infinite and Mighty God became infant and frail.
The Word became flesh, yet the only sound his mouth could produce was a newborn’s cry.
The King of Kings took rest in a feeding trough, descending in humilty to take on flesh, becoming like us.
The Light of the World created each star and put each one in its place to shine brightly upon his birth.
Oh Lord Jesus Christ, you became a little child for us so that you might make us children of the God Most High.
As we remember your birth, we also remember you were born so that we might be born again through you by faith.
As we praise you today, may we join in song with the Heavenly Hosts that continue to praise your glory throughout the heavens.
May we be as wise as the shepherds to kneel before you in worship each day.
May we be like Mary to wonder and meditate on your incarnation.
May we join the angels in proclaiming, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
May we be like the wise men who brought you gifts, and offer you our all each day.
May we go on our way rejoicing, glorifying, and praising you for the love you have shown us.
We thank you for all the joy you have brought us in Jesus Christ.
In his name, we pray.