What to Expect

The Bible alone is the highest authority

“Let them praise your great and awesome name! Holy is he!”
Psalm 99:3

A Common Means of Grace

Meeting regularly for worship with other believers is an essential rhythm in the life of all Christians. At Coram Deo, we gather every Sunday morning to be shaped by the Word of God and to encourage one another in the truth of the Gospel.

We believe that gathering under the preached Word of God is both an act of obedience to God and the primary means that God uses to transform our hearts to be more like Christ.

Sunday Mornings

  • We begin the service by preparing our hearts through singing songs and reading Scripture.
  • Children are welcome to either join their parents in the service or participate in one of our kid's classes.
  • We are then encouraged and built up through the preaching of God’s Word.
  • Next, we celebrate the Lord's Supper to be reminded of Christ’s sacrifice to atone for our sins. We offer gluten-free communion and provide both wine and grape juice options to accommodate dietary and conscience-based needs.
  • We close our time together by singing as we receive the Lord's Supper.
  • Then we are sent off into our lives to be faithful witnesses of the Gospel.

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