Heavenly Father,
Easter is a reminder that the Fall of man was not final. Partaking of the forbidden fruit was our first attempt to replace you. And mankind has continued the fruitless journey to this day. We also have looked in every corner for a better Savior. Like Eve, we have sought salvation in autonomy and self-glorification. Like Adam, we have sought salvation in following the sin of others. Like Abraham, we have sought salvation by using others. Like Jacob, we have sought salvation through stealing and running. Lord, use these failed attempts to teach us. Your Son has succeeded where all have failed.No other life was lived perfectly.No other death could atone.No one else was raised to sit at your right hand. By your grace, help us deny autonomy and seek your glory, like Christ did.By your power, help us to break the cycle of sin, like Christ did. By your love, help us to serve others, like Christ did. By your generosity, help us to give freely and stand firm in the truth, like Christ did. Jesus, use your example to teach us. Lift our eyes to your finished work.No other righteousness could satisfy the law. No other sacrifice could bear our sins. No one else has defeated death. Holy Spirit, write the joyous truth of Easter on our hearts. Save more sinners like us as the Gospel is proclaimed throughout the earth. To God alone be all glory and honor now and forevermore!