Heavenly Father,
You are a God of patience and grace.
We recognize that so many of your gifts go unnoticed.
Please open our eyes to your many blessings, great and small.
Thank you, Lord, for a good night’s sleep.
For a kind word from a friend.
For the taste of our favorite food.
For unexpected laughter.
For every trip we’ve safely traveled.
For health, however fragile it may be.
For each blessing that we don’t deserve.
For every punishment you’ve mercifully withheld.
But we confess that we’ve been blind to much greater gifts.
We regularly reach the limits of our own love and exhaust the love of others.
But your love, Oh Lord, is unsearchable, unfathomable, unending.
You have known all our sins, even our darkest days, those past and yet to come, and yet have poured out the greatest gift in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in our place.
With all God’s people, we sing,
“How deep the Father’s love for us,
how vast beyond all measure,
that he should give his only Son,
to make a wretch his treasure.”
Heavenly Father, help us to see your greatness more
clearly, to know the unknowable.
Lord Jesus, soften our ungrateful hearts and untangle our
conflicting thoughts by your infinite grace.
Holy Spirit, stir us up to give you all the thanks we can
muster from our feeble hearts.
To the Father of joy, we sing praise.
To the Son who loves us, we hold fast.
To the Spirit that unites us, we give thanks for all things
great and small.