Candlelight Services (RSVP Requested): 2, 3, 4, & 5 pm
Your RSVP is requested at http://coramdeochurch.org/christmaseve.
Christmas is coming! The Good News is that the Christmas story is TRUE! The one about the shepherds, the angels, and the Wisemen. The one about the manger, and Joseph, Mary, and… the Christ. God sent his Son for us. The world has a real Lord, Savior, and King! He came to bring us Joy, Peace, and Salvation, and to make all things new forever! It is not too good to be true, it IS true! May this Christmas season prepare you for that glorious day when the King makes everything new! May this Christmas season prepare you for that glorious day.
You are invited to join us as we celebrate his birth on Tuesday, December 24 at one of our Christmas Eve services. You can expect a simple and warm time that will include singing traditional Christmas songs, Scripture readings, a short homily, and, of course, the lighting of candles.
Please consider joining us at 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, or 5:00 pm as we celebrate the birth of Christ with candlelight services.