Dates: 1/16, 1/23, and 1/30
Time: Sunday mornings from 9:30 - 10:45 am.
Location: The classroom space next to the kitchen on the first floor of Coram Deo's building.
At the heart of the Christian faith is not a philosophy, a political system, or a moral code, but a person. That person is Jesus.
Your understanding of and relation to Jesus affects every part of your life including philosophy, politics, and morality. Your relation to Jesus is a question of life or death, sin or forgiveness, light or darkness, and hope or despair. It is not an overstatement to say that there is nothing more crucial in your life than reckoning with who Jesus is and knowing him.
In this class, Jesus 101, we will spend three weeks covering foundational teaching of the person and work of Jesus Christ who is God, Savior, and Lord.