16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. — John 3:16 (ESV)
This verse is packed with monumental, foundational truths and is presented in great simplicity. In fact, it’s so simple that I think we tend to take it for granted. We miss its driving force as we tend to focus exclusively on the result of the gift rather than the love that motivated God to give it in the first place.
Jesus didn’t die as royalty with honor or pomp and circumstance. Jesus died alone.
It is true that eternal life is the result of what happens when God saves his people through the sending and giving of his Son. Jesus, whom the Father deeply loved, was not given in a soft, casual way. Jesus didn’t die as royalty with honor or pomp and circumstance. Jesus died alone. His death was so horrific that it would be known and remembered for ages. He died a brutal, excruciating death on the cross at the hands of the very men whom he came to save. The reason Jesus died for sinners is because God so loved the world.
It is at the cross that the love of God shines most brightly. This love reveals God’s desire for man to be reconciled unto him and that they would love him as much as he loves them. But this great rescue could only be accomplished if sin was removed, and the only solution for that is death. God cannot be in the presence of sin because he is holy. Sin is absolutely opposed to him, and we are sinners.
Jesus removed our sin on the cross by placing it upon himself. And all we have to do is believe that Jesus did that for us. Simple, right? Yes…and no. Yes, in the fact that it is simply belief that gets you God. But no, because sin holds our hearts in bondage to unbelief, making it impossible for us to change our hearts and desires.
When we recognize that and put our trust in Jesus that he removes ALL of our sin, we can truly know the love of God.
Our default position is in opposition to God. We deserve the cross! Not just for sins we commit, but because of our sin-conditioned hearts. When we recognize that and put our trust in Jesus that he removes ALL of our sin, we can truly know the love of God. The cross reveals the magnificent love of God. A love that we get to abide in and enjoy…forever!
That my friend, is what we often take for granted.

Heavenly Father,
Before the foundations of the earth, your plan of redemption was set. Born out of infinite love, you determined to reveal your tender mercy to helpless sinners. You put the joy of salvation before the Son and are bringing it to completion. We thank you, Father, for your great wisdom.
Son of God,
In unity with the Father and Spirit, you entered creation to fulfill the great promise of a Messiah. Types, shadows, and promises now made flesh, you revealed the surprising wisdom of victory through weakness, outsiders invited in, and holiness lifting up the despised and unclean. We thank you, Savior, for your humble sacrifice.
Holy Spirit,
Without your work of conviction and regeneration, no one would be saved. If we truly knew the full extent of our sinfulness, from birth to death, your love for us would seem impossible. Yet in careful measure, you break our sinful pride. Though we are like grass that withers, you knit us together, regularly sustain us, and will finish the work of salvation in us. And so, you open blind eyes and reveal to our hearts your cleansing power and surrounding presence. We thank you, Spirit, for your enduring embrace.