You are invited to join us as we pray for the cause of the unborn in Kitsap County. On Sunday, March 3, from 3 - 4 pm, we will be gathering for a time of prayer and worship across the street from the Bremerton Planned Parenthood in the parking lot of Peace Lutheran School. We will ask God to move mightily through his Church to provide care and hope for women in distress, protection for the unborn, and salvation for those who refuse to acknowledge God as the author and sustainer of all life.
“Abortion is the greatest evil of our time.” — Pastor Jon Needham, January 19, 2020
This will be a somber, outdoor event in the midst of a Washington winter. Come expecting rain and harsh weather. Parents, we won’t be providing any childcare and while you are welcome to bring your children, they will need to remain with you at all times and the environment may not be suitable for small children.
WHEN: Sunday, March 3 | 3—4 PM
WHERE: Peace Lutheran School parking lot in East Bremerton
**Please note, we are assembling to pray, not protest. We ask that you don't bring picketing signs or anything that would create an environment of hostility.**

Our giving focus for this Sanctity of Life season is Trillium Women's Center.
You can make a difference in the lives of mothers and unborn children in our community. Through our partnership with Trillium Women's Center (formerly Pregnancy Resource Services of Kitsap County), your gift of any amount will provide FREE pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, clothing, and more to women in need.
To save lives by donating to the Trillium Women's Center CLICK HERE !