Pastor Rusten Harris

Pastor of Youth Community

Rusten leads our Youth Community and also provides teaching/preaching support. He and his wife live in Kingston with their four kids. He loves reading, writing, cooking, feasting, music, and family dance parties.


Amos 9

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Sermon B-Sides - E125 - Heartless Religious Games - Amos 5

Why would Amos sing a funeral dirge for Israel? Why would God say He hates Israel's assemblies...

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Sermon B-Sides - E124 - Feminine Sins, Fake Religion, & the Gift of Discomfort - Amos 4

Who are the cows of Bashan? Why does God condemn his people's holy...

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Amos 5:18-27

Woe to you who desire the day of the LORD...

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Sermon B-Sides - E123 - Judgement Begins with the Household of God - Amos 3

God's grace is a transforming grace. God's grace doesn't just forgive your sin...

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Sermon B-Sides - E122 - Judgement and the Path of Apostasy - Amos 2

Amos doesn't just have a message of judgment for the pagan nations around Israel...

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Sermon B-Sides - E121 - The Roaring Lord and the Blue Collar Prophet - Amos 1

The Lord roars, and Amos shoots straight and to the point. God is the judge of all, and all will answer to him...

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Episode 120 - The Nature of Idolatry and the Folly of Blameshifting - Exodus 32

The golden calf incident in Exodus 32 is a paradigm for idolatry in the Bible. Examining this story helps us understand the nature of idolatry and...

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Episode 119 - Filled with the Spirit for Blue Collar Work - Exodus 31

It is not uncommon to hear the phrase "filled with the Spirit" in connection to some kind of erratic spiritual experience. But in the Bible, that...

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Episode 118 - Visceral Worship and Involving the Senses - Exodus 30

The worship of the tabernacle involved a lot of visceral components that people experienced through the senses. Incense, fire, smoke, water, and...

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Episode 117 - High Priest as Shadow of the New Creation Priest - Exodus 29

The coming new creation is one of the big themes of the New Testament. This new creation is so deeply related to our current redemption in Christ...

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Exodus 32

When the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people gathered themselves together...

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Episode 116 - Priestly Garments as a Christ Costume - Exodus 28

Exodus 28 is all about the clothing that the high priest wore when serving in the tabernacle. Examining the details of the high priestly clothing...

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Episode 115 - The Tabernacle as Redemptive Geography - Exodus 27

A crucial aspect of the tabernacle construction is its dimensions and geographical order. While we might scratch our heads and wonder why all these...

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Episode 114 - Tabernacle: God's Purpose, God's People, God's History - Exodus 26

God has a purpose for his people. He didn't just save them from Egypt, he reconciled them to himself and made them a new people that were to live...

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Episode 113 - The Tabernacle as Home - Exodus 25

When God instructs Moses on the construction of the tabernacle, there are details...lots of details. While these things may seem foreign or...

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Exodus 28

Then bring near to you Aaron your brother, and his sons with him, from among the people of Israel, to serve me as priests...

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Episode 112 - Covenant Theology: Sinai & New Covenant - Exodus 24

How do the covenants of the Bible relate to the new covenant? How is Sinai related to the coming of Christ? Is Sinai a gracious covenant? In this...

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Episode 111 - Partiality, Lawfare, and Lying Politicians - Exodus 23

God is against partiality in justice. But today, we are seeing an intentional institutionalization of partiality in the law. For example, in many citi

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