Jon is the lead pastor and founding pastor of Coram Deo Church. He and his wife live in Bremerton with their three kids. He loves spending time with his family and riding motorcycles.
It is not uncommon to hear the phrase "filled with the Spirit" in connection to some kind of erratic spiritual experience. But in the Bible, that...
See moreThe worship of the tabernacle involved a lot of visceral components that people experienced through the senses. Incense, fire, smoke, water, and...
See moreThe coming new creation is one of the big themes of the New Testament. This new creation is so deeply related to our current redemption in Christ...
See moreExodus 28 is all about the clothing that the high priest wore when serving in the tabernacle. Examining the details of the high priestly clothing...
See moreA crucial aspect of the tabernacle construction is its dimensions and geographical order. While we might scratch our heads and wonder why all these...
See moreGod has a purpose for his people. He didn't just save them from Egypt, he reconciled them to himself and made them a new people that were to live...
See moreWhen God instructs Moses on the construction of the tabernacle, there are details...lots of details. While these things may seem foreign or...
See moreHow do the covenants of the Bible relate to the new covenant? How is Sinai related to the coming of Christ? Is Sinai a gracious covenant? In this...
See moreIn this episode of The Blitz, Pastor Jon shares his concerns for the direction of our country, and explains why he is voting for Trump.
See moreGod is against partiality in justice. But today, we are seeing an intentional institutionalization of partiality in the law. For example, in many citi
See moreCan you legislate morality? Many Christians answer with a confident "no." But the same people who answer that way would likely not be in favor of...
See moreWhen was the last time you heard a sermon preached on Exodus 21? It contains laws about slavery, laws about justice, laws about capital punishment...
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